Paul Hampson wrote:

> > In fact I posted on freeradius-devel a set of patches: one adds
> > support for "Post-Auth-Type REJECT"
> I'll get on to adding this to CVS over the weekend. Sorry, I've
> been a little busy with the 0.9.1 release, and then the stuff I
> was ignoring while worrying about the 0.9.1 release. :-)

You don't have to apology. You did a great job with the 0.9.1 release
and we (I and my coworkers in Cegetel) are really grateful.

> There's only one issue for me to resolve, which is the same thing
> holding up the documentation... What happens when there's no section
> found or the Post-Auth-Type is not set? This is an issue for backwards
> compatibility. :-)

I read the patch again and I didn't see any problem. It looks for a
"Post-Auth-Type REJECT" subsection before invoking rad_postauth()
function. If not found, it keeps the previous behaviour: it doesn't
do anything.

> > and an other provides an "authlog_query" in sql.conf
> I'd have to go dig this patch up again, but wouldn't a postauth-query
> work better? That way it's more general than just logging. The only
> provisio is that the return value gets chucked, so INSERT, DELETE or
> UPDATE are the only sensible options.

You're absolutely right. It can do what you describe but I mess up the
name of the option. It should be renamed "postauth_query". Minor
things should be changed too (since Alan patched xlat.c later I have
to modify the sample table I provided, and the sample query as well).

I'm going to fix this and post the patch again as soon as possible.

Nicolas Baradakis

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