I am trying to use the 'exec' module to do some house keeping work. I
encounter a
problem and would appreciate it if someone can help me.

When I define an 'exec'module like the following, the server would not
        exec ext_perl {
                wait = no
                program = "${prefix}/bin/ext_perl"
                input_pairs = request
                #output_pairs = reply
                packet_type = Access-Accept

The error message I got was
Module: Loaded exec
 exec: wait = no
 exec: program = "/usr/local/bin/ext_perl"
 exec: input_pairs = "request"
 exec: output_pairs = "reply"
 exec: packet_type = "Access-Accept"
rlm_exec: Cannot read output pairs if wait=no

It seems that even if I comment out the 'output_pairs', the server still
uses "reply" as the
value and thus fails to pass the logic check.

What kind of setting should I use so that the server can just launch the
exec and does not
wait for it to return anything? Apparently comment out the 'output_pair' did
not do the trick.
I also tried to set output_pairs="" or output_pair=null, none worked.

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