On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, seth666 666 wrote:

> 1/ Which is the attribut that store users password in Active Directory ?

This is 'unicodePwd.'  It is a Base64 encoded/unicoded password.

> 4/ How to access this attribute (if possible) ?
To my understating, this attribute can only be written to and not read.  This
can only be done through a LDAP-SSL connection on port 636/tcp or 3269/tcp
(Global Catalog SSL).
> 5/ If not possible, how can i say to rlm_ldap to try to bind with the
> user/password pair i want to authenticate and if the bind is successful,
> to
> grant access to the user ?
I have used the methods you _don't_want_ to use-- kerberos/pam_ldap/pam_krb5.

Michael Brown

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