On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Michael Melanson wrote:

> I am new to linux as well as free radius.
> I am involved in a project to create an open network architechure.
> I envision radius and eap to accomplish this
> Please advise what is the best Linux to use with free radius

Hi. I really agree with Thor Spruyt who said that you should install some 
distributions and see which one you feel most comfortable with. RedHat is 
going to more of a high-priced subscription version, so you may want to 
try out its free version, "Fedora" (http://fedora.redhat.com/) if your 
budget is a concern. Novell just bought SuSE Linux, so I'm not sure how 
that's going to pan out, support and price-wise. My favorite is Debian for 
various reasons including ease of install/upgrade and stability, but 
really, try out several, read the documentation, and see which one you 
like best.

You might also consider trying OpenBSD or FreeBSD instead of a Linux 

The only thing I would suggest is that you'll want to keep an eye out for 
what your needs are. If you're only going to be running FreeRadius on the 
server, it really doesn't matter much what distribution you use, as you 
can strip it down to the bare minimum. If you're also going to be running 
Apache, Sendmail/qmail/postfix, or other services, then you'll want to 
find out as much as you can about how the distribution puts out bug fixes 
and how well they keep up with security.


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