At 03:25 18/11/2003, Allen Chung wrote:

         NAS  ======> FreeRadius(Proxy) ===========> Other Radius Server
        (PAP)                  (PAP) <===> (CHAP)                        (CHAP)
         My Proxy Server receives Auth-Request(PAP) from the NAS and proxy it to other Radius Server.
         The other Radius Server supports only CHAP, but the NAS uses PAP.
         I hope that FreeRadius(Proxy) could convert (PAP) to (CHAP).
        Might it work and How to setup the freeradiusd ?

I think you have a theoretical problem here -- chap is by its nature a challenge-based authentication scheme, whereas PAP presents a username & password up front. I can't imagine how you could "convert" one to the other.


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