I was still running FR 0.8, and because of yesterday's events, decided to 
go up to 0.93.  I did the ./configure, make, make install dance.  FR 
bombed when I tried to run radius, so I put it in debug mode, and saw 
messages about problems with the dictionary.

Perused the INSTALL file, and saw this note:

>  Note that in this release, the location of the dictionary files has
>changed, to /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary.  Please ensure
>that /etc/raddb/dictionary is THE SAME as ./raddb/dictionary.  If not,
>you will have to copy it over by hand;
>        $ cp ./raddb/dictionary /etc/raddb/dictionary

But that note seems to contradict itself.  It _seems_ as though it should 
say "please ensure that $prefix/etc/raddb/dictionary is the same as 

So what is the correct process?  What I wound up doing was copying 
$prefix/share/freeradius/dictionary into $prefix/etc/raddb/dictionary . 
That got me further along the line, but I still had dictionary errors.  I 
eventually copied $prefix/share/freeradius/dictionary* into 
$prefix/etc/raddb/ , overwriting everything that existed previously.

THAT worked, but I'm wondering if this is the intended procedure, or if I 
just butchered things badly.

Secondly, the INSTALL doc continues on to say that I should delete every 
dictionary file in $prefix/etc/raddb ; is this still correct?  (wouldn't 
that just get me back to the starting point?)

Vincent Giovannone
Network Infrastructure Group
Information Services Division
Rush University Medical Center

"When I was four I wanted an Action Man armoured personnel carrier. I 
didn't have any genuine Action Men - my parents couldn't afford them; 
instead of a professional army I had a ragtag band of Korean and Chinese 
irregulars whose political commitment, I hoped, made up for their having 
no knee or elbow joints." 
    -- Mil Millington

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