Hi there,

I'm doing testing in preparation to upgrade a server from 0.5 to 0.9.3,
and I've run into an issue with Cisco's auth-proxy feature.  Under 0.5,
it's been working.  Upon successful authentication, the radius server
sends back the proper Cisco-AVpairs for a temporary ACL.  I have a debug
from the router and from the 0.5 radiusd at http://www.jpj.net/~benh/rad5.txt

Under 0.9.3, only the first AVPair is sent back.  I'm not sure why.  The
radius users file is identical, and the config on the router is identical.
the only variable seems to be the version of FreeRADIUS.

I have a debug from the router and from the 0.9.3 radiusd at

Here's the users file in question:

hunter1    Auth-Type := Local, Password == "student1"
        Cisco-AVPair = "auth-proxy:priv-lvl=15",
        Cisco-AVPair = "auth-proxy:proxyacl#1=deny ip any",
        Cisco-AVPair = "auth-proxy:proxyacl#2=permit ip any any"

Leaving aside the question of why it's taken so long to upgrade this
server, does anyone have any ideas?



Ben Hockenhull

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