Drew Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Now, 99% of my users use PAP, and authenticate via the SYSTEM
> method, this works excellent. However it seems that anyone who has a
> password listed in the users file automatically 'requires' CHAP, is there a
> way to make it 'allow CHAP if it has a password in users, but not REQUIRE
> chap?'

  I don't see how it "requires" chap.  The server is set up to *allow*
the user to use CHAP, if there's a plain-text password available.  But
nothing in the server *requires* chap.

  I would suggest reading the debug output of the server.  It will
tell you why CHAP is being used.

> The doom account is basically getting all of the attributes of the DEFAULT
> account... but it should be using its own account specific attributes.

  Which is what you told it to do:

> DEFAULT Auth-Type = System
>         Fall-Through = "1",
> I have the default entry listed at the top of the file.

  See the docs.  The Fall-Through attribute tells it to continue
processing the "users" file, where it then finds the "Doom" entry.

  Look at the sample "users" file.  There's a reason the DEFAULTS are
listed at the bottom.

  Alan DeKok.

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