
Thanks for your reply. Actually I spent considerable time going through the FAQ, docs, etc. I even committed "death by Google". I can't tell you how much time I invested in research before posting to the list.

Specifically my challenge is this. 1) I am new to freeradius, and radius in general. 2) From what I have read in the texts it appears there are several "unique" things in our implementation.

Trying to pear down the variables and hone in on the cause is especially dificult when ld doesn't return any %^&&*$%** errors during compile. I also encountered a number of contradictions in respect to documentation. So being new to freeradius and not being familiar with the internals, it is hard for me to judge where this error is coming from considering I have 3 other applications complied from scratch on the same box with the same mysql setup and they are working fine.

Subsequent to my post I did determine that in fact *ld* was not linking in mysqlclient. If I compile with shared libs, freeradius segfaults as I described in my previous post, however if I compile with static libs, freeradius complains "rlm_sql: Could not link driver rlm_sql_mysql: file not found" (I know 4.14 of the FAQ).

That is where I am currently. I had to turn my attention to some other pressing matters, but will pick this up again in the next few days.

My post to the list was two fold. I was hoping that I would get flamed (meaning i missed something silly) or someone may have seen this before and could point me in a specific direction of things to check.

Since nethier occured I gather I am out in the tall grass again. Sigh...

Robert Causey
iMedia Associates

Alan DeKok wrote:

Robert Causey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After we built the shared library we could run the freeradius config script and it would detect the presence of the mysql client. We than ran make and it did not report any errors.

  And it won't run.  Why?  Your doesn't know about the library
in /usr/local/mysql/lib.  Whose fault is that?  Yours.

  Did you try reading the FAQ, or the "libdir" configuration in

Alan DeKok.

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