
    After reading this message, I thought you might enjoy reading about
my 3 servers running FR.  I build it on each of the three machines with
no serious problems, I watched the messages when a build did not work
because of a missing file, found and installed it, and repeat until no more
errors.  All three servers are running with MySQL as expected.

I did read the instructions and watched the error messages though. I am a
real novice programmer, so it seemed like a real good idea to listen to the
compiler when it complained about something....

We love FR it is so much better than the early version of livingston radius
were using.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: freeradius + MySQL on remote host question

> Robert Causey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Trying to pear down the variables and hone in on the cause is especially
> > dificult when ld doesn't return any %^&&*$%** errors during compile.
>   Yes.  Originally, FreeRADIUS was even worse.  There were *huge*
> numbers of complaints from people who put MySQL into (e.g.)
> /opt/testing/march/try2/mysql, and then complained that FreeRADIUS
> wouldn't compile.  We fixed the server to be a little more forgiving,
> and those complaints went away.
>   Many of the dynamic linking issues also went away, because of the
> instructions on how to set up linking specifically for the RADIUS
> server.  But there is still a steady stream of people who have
> problems.
>   Strangely, no one has similar problems with PostgreSQL or Oracle.
> So I think that a large part of the problem really is MySQL.  The
> default MySQL install does NOT install static libraries (other DB's
> have them), so even building FreeRADIUS statically won't help.
> >  I also encountered a number of contradictions in respect to
> > documentation.  So being new to freeradius and not being familiar
> > with the internals, it is hard for me to judge where this error is
> > coming from considering I have 3 other applications complied from
> > scratch on the same box with the same mysql setup and they are
> > working fine.
>   I would dearly love to know WTF they're doing to make it work.  So
> far, NO ONE who's having these problems has given any feedback as to
> what's going wrong, or why other programs seem to work.
> > Subsequent to my post I did determine that in fact *ld* was not linking
> > in mysqlclient. If I compile with shared libs, freeradius segfaults as I
> > described in my previous post,
>   Which means that something is very wrong with your system.  You've
> got library version conflicts, or something.
> >  however if I compile with static libs, freeradius complains
> > "rlm_sql: Could not link driver rlm_sql_mysql: file not found" (I
> > know 4.14 of the FAQ).
>   For that last problem, blame "libtool".  It doesn't find a static
> library for MySQL, but it builds rlm_sql_mysql.a anyhow.  It *does*
> print out huge warning messages about what's going wrong, but no one
> ever reads them...
>   As for getting it to link dynamically, the instructions in the FAQ
> and in the comments for the "libdir" configuration entry work for me.
> Yet every week, there's someone else who posts to the list,
> complaining that they can't get MySQL to work.
>   If you think you're frustrated, try dealing with the problem for
> three years.  I have absolutely no idea why it's so difficult to get
> MySQL to work.  The instructions I wrote in the docs work for me, but
> apparently other people's systems are so magical, that those same
> instructions don't work for them.
>   Mind you, part of the problem is likely that I *don't* install 4-5
> versions of MySQL and OpenSSL on my systems, and I *do* force MySQL to
> build static libraries.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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