
        The freeradius-users and freeradius-devel lists will soon be
configured so that only subscribers to the list can post to it.

The mailserver that runs the list already does extensive spam
filtering (spamassassin, DNSBL) but still the amount of spam on
these lists is rising. Hopefully this measure will result in no more
spam on these lists.

This does mean that from now on, you need to make sure that the
address you're mailing from does indeed match the address you're
subscribed with. Otherwise, your submission will be queued for
manual inspection by the listmaster (me) later, together with
all the spam. I cannot guarantee that I can react in a correct
and timely matter to your queued submissions (by approving them
or bouncing them back with a comment) if there's tons of spam
to wield through as well. So submissions from a non-subscribed
address will likely be blackholed, not bounced.

Mike, listmaster.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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