Hello freeradius-users,

I'm trying to get my external program to work ( which is in fact -
a billing program for users' accounting)

I have in /etc/acct_users:
DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Start
        Exec-Program = "/usr/bin/billing -d"

 I couldn't get it work the right way until todays afternoon when I
 decided to start FR with '-X' to see what happens.
  And it appeared , that was enough for billing to work!
  It just works, when radius is started in debug mode '-X' and doesn't
  - when its started without it.

  to be more specific, it works without '-X' the wrong way -
  it just doesnt execute an internal function sig_hup, which is a handler
  for a SIGHUP signal , and as a consequence it hangs forever until I kill
  it manually. Program(billing) is written in C(ANSI) and worked good
  so far for 3 years... Though I had to rewrite it slightly to work with
  radutmp file (it worked with tacacs' utmp initially).

  What could it be ?
  What changes happens with external program execution when FR runs in
debug mode?

Best regards,

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