Title: Message
To all,
I currently use radreply to send numerous values to a Cisco 3030 VPN Device. These attributes are mainly sent based on username MySQL queries (Framed IP Addresses, DNS/WINS Entries, Domain Search Suffixes, etc.). I now would like use a new Cisco AV Pair CVPN3000-IPSec-IP-Compression. This AV Pair already has an entry in the dictionary.cisco.vpn3000 file; however, I am trying to think of the best way to implement its features. Setting this value to one turns LZS compression on which greatly benefits dial-up users; however, it slows down broadband users (per Cisco's documentation). Using LZS compression for all users across the board has also been known to saturate the device at a much faster pace.
I was trying to implement some logic based on either connection speed, Framed-Protocol, etc. that would be able to decipher if a user was coming in with a connection less than 128k. If so, then FreeRADIUS would send the Concentrator the particular reply with a value of 1. I was curious if anyone had any suggestions on the best approach to take?
Thanks a lot, have a great day.
Chris DeRamus
OCIO VPN Administrator

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