Zoilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The nicest way to do this I think is if I can inject some 
> 'Exec'-attributes into the reply chain, but they should always be 
> executed on the *Local* Server, never on the Remote Server. In this way 
> I could just attach e.g. Exec-Program=S2 and Exec-Program=P2 to the 
> reply chain on the remote server.

  There are no such attributes which can go into a RADIUS packet.

> Unfortunately, this doesn't work, because an Exec-Program attribute 
> attached by the Remote Server gets executed on the Remote Server, and 
> not on the Local Server.


  You're better off having the remote server return a RADIUS
attribute, and to have the proxy key off of that attribute, and
execute the scripts.

  Allowing a remote server to control which programs get executed on
the proxy is a bad idea.

  Alan DeKok.

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