Ciolo_-^DusT^-_WebMaster wrote:

I hope you can help me!
I'm trying to use free radius with mysql...

this the first time I use a radius system...
I need to use freeradius with a nomadix in orderr to obtain users
authentication of two kinds
a first group that have the access to internet allowed for 24 hours from the
first login and a second group  of users that have 1 h of effective

they suggest me to use freeradius with mysql...
I'm using the last release of freeradius on a redhat 7.3 system (but in the
final solution I will work over a freebsd system)
my MySQL is installed not in the classic position but under
At the beginning I have just tried to authenticate using users and passwords
from the unix machine... everything go well....
but now that I'm trying to authenticate using mysql ... nothing,... always
And one of the msg that I often find using radius in debug is
"rlm_sql (sql): Error getting data from database"

I hope you can help me at least explaining me how to interface freeradius
with mysql

( I tried to ask in the ML but they never replay to me !)

It sounds like either you do not have the permissions set to allow you to access the tables in the database, or the tables are not compatable.

In the debug information you should see the "SELECT" statement that was sent to mysql, and it should look somthing like this :

radius_xlat: 'SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE Username = 'fredf' ORDER BY id'

Try that SQL statement in mysql using the user and password you have setup in the database configuration.

Example :

mysql -uradius -p radius
Enter password:{rootpass}
mysql> SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radcheck WHERE Username = 'fredf' 
| id | UserName | Attribute     | Value | op |
|  1 | fredf    | User-Password | wilma | == |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

You can use this method to figure out what permission may not be set correctly. If you don't know how to administrate mysql then try this site:

I hope that helps, but please send your questions to the list, rather than to me. I am not a mysql expert, but in order to make FreeRadius compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL, I have to test both, while making changes.

Good luck

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