I am attempting to have my radius authenticate against users in a postgre database, im using postgre because it will integrate with other stuff im doing well.
I have the schema in place in database and have populated manually the radcheck table with a user name and password. My Freeradius server will authenticate against the text file appropiately, but when I remove the entry from the text file and attempt to have it autenticate purely against the postgre, I run into problems. First it will not authenticate. Second, it does not appear to be trying to use the database even though i have postgre set in the radiusd.conf Here is my cmd when attempting to test authentication: [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# radtest steve testing 0 codradsec Sending Access-Request of id 170 to User-Name = "steve" User-Password = "testing" NAS-IP-Address = cerebrus.codenet.net NAS-Port = 0 rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=170, length=20 Here is the line of my radius file that enabled postgre db authentication: $INCLUDE ${confdir}/postgresql.conf I have the postgresql.conf set up right as far as I know, and I dont seem to be getting any errors about connection to the db... anyone have any pointers? Dan Baughman - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html