"Jamie Thain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the help. How does the Cisco authenticate then to my SQL
> server. This is the part I am missing?

  It doesn't.  That's the point.  Even in 0.4, it didn't authenticate
to the SQL server.

  Q: Do you really want all of your users to have accounts where they
     can access the SQL database?

  A: No, so you don't "authenticate" to the SQL server.

  You store passwords in SQL, and the server figures out what to do
from there.

  To put it another way, your question is based on the wrong
assumptions, so the question itself is wrong.  Throw away your

  My original answer stands.  Please READ it, and BELIEVE it.

  The server will figure out what to do on its own.

  Alan DeKok.

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