>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/9/2004 6:48:41 AM >>>
>> I use 802.1x/EAP_MD5 with user as xsupplicant, switch cisco 3550,
>> freeradius server. It works very well, but now I need to assign
> dynamic
>> vlan to authenticated user.
>> I 've update my Freeradius "users" file with this parameters asked
> by
>> switch Cisco :
>> Tunnel-Type = VLAN
>> Tunnel-Medium-Type = 802
>> Tunnel-Private6group-ID = VLAN NAME
> You need to specify :1 after the attribute names. That one hung me up
> for a while, and I believe I found the solution in the Cisco
> documentation. This works for me:
> Tunnel-Type:1  := VLAN,
> Tunnel-Medium-Type:1 := IEEE-802,
> Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:1 := 726
> I also believe you need to use a number for the VLAN (726 is an example
> from my site).
> -- David Hart

Hi all,

Thx David, i've tried your config, but freeradius doesn't accept
"IEEE-802" value attibute for Tunnel-Medium-Type, it needs only "802". And
then I've no error but switchport stay in default VLAN and not in the vlan
configured in freeradius "users" file .
Maybe it's because there is no entry for this attributes in "dictionnary"
or "dictionnary.cisco" files:
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID .
If someone has an idea ???


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