
i think i wrote already on this list that i migrating from cistron to
freeradius 0.9.3 so there i found anothere point i like to highlight.

It is subject to discuss. maybe its wanted that way donīt know.

Bascily adding multiple Attributes from the same name does work with +=
adding an attribute only if its not there will work with =. Thats my

If i now like to add multiple taged Attributes with same name i need to use
I belive freeradius does not distinguish diffrent Tags as different

>From my point of view he should do that as Attribute:1 isnīt the same as

So eg. Tunnel-Endpoint:1 isnt the same as Tunnel-Endpoint:2 Well the Name is
the same but not the Tag.

Whats your view on this ?


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