> I was told that FreeRadius can answer PAP/CHAP at the same
> time that it didn't care.

Yes, freeradius does not care what authentication request are coming in,
whether PAP/CHAP or system authenticated
accounts. If freeradius was configured properly, it will reply as it was
tasked to do.

> The problem I'm having is if a user loges in with no realm (PAP) and
> there user name is in the system files, it doesn't work. If I use a
> different user and log in to our wholesale(CHAP) side the user name in the
> database does fine.

no realm or with realm, freeradius does not care, it will do what we design
its radiusd.conf to be.
there's a work around, PAP accounts can be configured to be authenticated
based from account names, password and
expiration attributes and others inside MySQL database too, without ofcourse
using /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.

> How do I tell FreeRadius to look in the system file first and then the
> Local (mySQL) second if not found in the System files?

it does and that is why you don't need to..

> I did not really want to run two radius on the same machine on different
> ports if at all possible.

if you like it that way, it can be worked out without considering pros and
> Other than this little snag, I have all my tools to work everything from
> command prompt. Add, Disable, Enable, Remove, etc..

hope this helps.


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