"Bob Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I figured this would be the best place to ask how to do this. Maybe I'm
> wrong, but I see these types of answers a lot as if this list is for those
> to tell others they need to learn before they can use.

  No.  It's to tell people *what* they need to learn so they can use
it.  If you're trying to use the server without learning how it works,
you have *serious* problems.

  Are you honestly saying that you're upset that you have to learn
something about the server before you can use it?

> So I guess all those answering on the list knew it all before they extracted
> the program?

  I guess the people answering on the list were willing to learn.

> >   Once you know how the packets are different, you can key off of
> > those differences to enforce your policies.
> I was only asking for help, not being told I need to learn more. That will
> come later.

  You were asking for help.  I gave you help: where to go to learn
more.  If you want someone to hold your hand, ask someone for a tech
support contract.  They'll set it up for you, and charge you a hefty

> I have no idea what your talking about, I guess others off list were
> correct.

  Probably.  I'm incredibly insensitive: I tell you that you've got to
think for yourself, and learn something about the server, and you're
offended at my response.  I must be a truly horrible person.

  Alan DeKok.

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