Hello m0bius,

Friday, November 7, 2003, 4:56:58 PM, you wrote:

m> I seem to be having a strange error occurring during the past few days
m> that I think has something to do with the IP Pools Management. We use
m> two Ascend Lucent MAX 3000 NAS (the one with one PRI while the second
m> carries two). The problem occurs while there are more than 50 dialup
m> users in which case the users can't connect and get an error type 738:
m> Server did not assign an IP address... 

m> I've enabled ippools in radius.conf with the correct start and stop
m> values and added the main_pool in the accounting and post-auth section
m> as mentioned. However the weird thing is that I don't seem to have any
m> logs via the radius of the unsuccessful attempts (either via the
m> detail/reply logs or the dialup admin) and I can't trace the problem by
m> debugging mode since the error doesn't happen all the times. It would
m> look like the nases are blocking the connections.

m> I believe that it has something to do with the NASes but the strange
m> thing is that while using the Cistron radius server no such issue had
m> been observed. 

   I have pretty the same problem here. When i'm testing connection -
   all working fine. But when there's some users connected -
   rlm_ippool seems to be not working. In debug mode i've seen that
   processing of such 'bad' requests are finished right after entering
   'post-auth' block, and in these cases ippool is not invoked -
   radiusd says 'Finished request blah-blah' and then it comes to
   another request. Maybe, some server tuning should be done? I mean,
   number of threads, timeouts and such. Tomorrow i will try it.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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