Hello Alan,

Thursday, May 13, 2004, 5:36:18 PM, you wrote:

>>    I have pretty the same problem here. When i'm testing connection -
>>    all working fine. But when there's some users connected -
>>    rlm_ippool seems to be not working. In debug mode i've seen that
>>    processing of such 'bad' requests are finished right after entering
>>    'post-auth' block, and in these cases ippool is not invoked -
>>    radiusd says 'Finished request blah-blah' and then it comes to
>>    another request. Maybe, some server tuning should be done? I mean,
>>    number of threads, timeouts and such. Tomorrow i will try it.

AD>   I would suggest adding more debug statements to the rlm_ippool
AD> module, so you can see WHY it isn't assigning an IP.  Odds are that
AD> the request doesn't contain enough information for it to assign an IP.

    Yes, it seems that sometimes NAS-Port-Id is missing. For example:

    Request is:
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        User-Name = "bpv89"
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        CHAP-Password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        CHAP-Challenge = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        NAS-Identifier = "zeus.domain.ru"
        NAS-Port-Type = Async    

    And this client is not receiving address, because rlm_ippool
    return NOOP after NAS port id check. I'm using exppp on
    freebsd-4.8R-p13 and multiport cards as a NAS, and i found that
    such requests comes only from some ports/modems (i.e.
    /dev/cuaa10), and other is doing fine.

    Why NAS-Port-Id so critical for rlm_ippool? Can i do some
    workaround for this problem, maybe with some hack of rlm_ippool.c?
    I mean, do rlm_ippool really need NAS-Port-Id?
Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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