On Wed, 5 May 2004, Craig Huckabee wrote:

> Kostas Kalevras wrote:
> >
> > The above won't work. You can't just add the User-Name line in the rlm_ldap
> > configuration and expect it to work.
> I didn't expect it to just work, but I wanted to at least try something
> before posting a question.  The documentation isn't as clear as your
> answer so I was grasping at straws.
> >
> > You can either use rlm_attr_rewrite to strip the 'host/' part, or probably add
> > a Hint variable in the users file and use that as the filter:
> >
> > --users--
> > DEFAULT     User-Name =~ "^([^/]+)/(.*)", Hint := `%{2}`
> >
> > --radiusd.conf--
> > ldap {
> >     filter = "(cn=%{check:Hint})"
> >     ...
> > }
> >
> >
> I tried adding the expression to the users file as you suggest - that
> doesn't appear to work either.  I still end up with a cn='' filter.  Any
> other ideas are greatly appreciated.

The other idea is to use attr_rewrite as already suggested. In any case, make
sure that the files module comes before ldap in the authorize section for the
above to work.

> Thanks,
> Craig
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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