AD> The Session-Timeout is inappropriate here.  The Login-Time
AD> attribute is a magic server-side attribute, which will set
AD> Session-Timeout, so that the user is automatically kicked off at
AD> the end of the time.

I need to return the value of a calculation as the Session-Timeout.
How should this be done?

I have a sqlcounter set up like this:

sqlcounter noresetcounter {
                counter-name = Max-All-Session-Time
                check-name = Max-All-Session
                sqlmod-inst = sql
                key = User-Name
                reset = never
                query = "SELECT SUM(AcctSessionTime) FROM radacct WHERE 

I hoped to retrieve the full amount of time used by the user, but as
it seems all I get is a boolean:

rlm_sqlcounter: (Check item - counter) is greater than zero

I need to get the current value of the counter, substract that value
from the maximum amount of time allowed for the user (according to his
subscription plan), and return the result as the Session-Timeout

If I place  "Max-All-Session := 500" in radgroupcheck, for example,
and the query returns the total amount of time used (greated than
zero), I get just a "Session-Timeout = 500".

If you know how to make this work, a reply with instructions would be
very appreciated.


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