On Tue, 18 May 2004 10:29:27 -0400
Mike Cathey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 09:37, Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:
> > Perhaps use the accounting information to trigger a flag on their
> > account if they hit the 4 hour limit.  
> Any suggestions on where to start on that?

The accounting information :)))

At my last place of work a system was written which kept a tally of
people using a given service in a seperate database using the accounting
information.  When they hit the limit it restricted them from connecting
to that service.

I would suggest you put your radacct into a database and either use
database triggers to check the db or periodically check it.  When an
account hits the 4 hour limit, update your radius information to disable
that account immediately.  Also enter the account name and time it was
disabled into another table.  Check that table every minute and when
their time is up reenable them.

Another way which I think may be simpler and cleaner would be to adjust
the sql queries used by freeradius during the authentication check.  As
well as checking the username & password are valid also have it check
that the current time is greater than the time in another table for that
user.  This other table would be a list of usernames and a time & date
from which they are allowed to connect.. so eg:

permit table
| username | allow from       |
| fred     | 2004-05-18 15:45 |
| tom      | 2004-05-18 18:00 |

You would compare the given username against the username field and also
check that the current time was greater than the 'allow from' field. 
This way, when a user hits their limit, you adjust the allow from field
to contain the current time + cooldown time (so your 15 minutes).

This also has the advantage of you being able to set varying cooldown
times or even to say certain users can only connect after a certain
date/time etc.

I would go with the 2nd option personally.

hope thats of some use (sense :) )

Graeme Hinchliffe (BSc)
Core Internet Systems Designer
Zen Internet (http://www.zen.co.uk/)

ICQ 3842605 (link)

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