On Wed, 19 May 2004, Evan Stenmark wrote:

> I have seen this question a few times on the archive of the mailing list, but I have 
> not been able to find any answers on it (probably because it is too general of a 
> problem)
> Whenever I access dialup admin with my web browser, I get many blank white pages or 
> empty tables when clicking on the buttons on the left frame
> It seems like it is not connecting to mysql because if I change the sql username or 
> password (to something incorrect) in the admin.conf (or rename the radius database), 
> I get the same pages

Well make *sure* that dialupadmin can connect to the mysql db. Try connecting
through the command line and see what happens. Make sure that php is configured
correctly and has mysql support compiled in.
Check the apache/mysql log files.

> What am I doing wrong? (I do have the admin.conf correctly configure to access the 
> mysql database I believe)
> Anything would help out
> btw, the Check Server button works, so at least it talks to radiusd
> Thanks
> Evan Stenmark
> A more detailed look at what the pages bring up, but I believe this information may 
> be unnecessary
> On the Dialup Admin, clicking on the following links I receive:
> Home             -> standard homepage
> Accounting       -> blank white page
> Statistics       -> I get the greenlines1.gif background with nothing else on it
> User Statistics  -> empty table (with greenlines background)
> Online Users     -> blank white page (I don't believe I have configured this section 
> correctly yet anyway, so not worried about this page)
> Bad Users        -> empty table (with greenlines background)
> Failed Logins    -> empty table (with greenlines background)
> Find User        -> search screen, but then nothing when I search for a valid user
> Edit User        -> Blank white page
> New User         -> Blank white page
> show Groups      -> empty table
> Check server     -> this page works and replys with Authenication was successful
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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