I have seen this question a few times on the archive of the mailing list, but I have 
not been able to find any answers on it (probably because it is too general of a 

Whenever I access dialup admin with my web browser, I get many blank white pages or 
empty tables when clicking on the buttons on the left frame
It seems like it is not connecting to mysql because if I change the sql username or 
password (to something incorrect) in the admin.conf (or rename the radius database), I 
get the same pages

What am I doing wrong? (I do have the admin.conf correctly configure to access the 
mysql database I believe)
Anything would help out

btw, the Check Server button works, so at least it talks to radiusd

Evan Stenmark

A more detailed look at what the pages bring up, but I believe this information may be 

On the Dialup Admin, clicking on the following links I receive:
Home             -> standard homepage
Accounting       -> blank white page
Statistics       -> I get the greenlines1.gif background with nothing else on it
User Statistics  -> empty table (with greenlines background)
Online Users     -> blank white page (I don't believe I have configured this section 
correctly yet anyway, so not worried about this page)
Bad Users        -> empty table (with greenlines background)
Failed Logins    -> empty table (with greenlines background)
Find User        -> search screen, but then nothing when I search for a valid user
Edit User        -> Blank white page
New User         -> Blank white page
show Groups      -> empty table

Check server     -> this page works and replys with Authenication was successful

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