        Was very happy to see the listen { } stanza in version 1.0.0-pre1. 
however I suspect I have also discovered an issue with it.

I initially tried the following config:

port = 1645
listen {
        ipaddr = *
        port = 1645
        type = auth

But freeRADIUS refused to start, claiming it couldn't bind to port 1645.

I suspected it was attempting to bind to the port twice, so changed to:

port = 0
listen {
        ipaddr = *
        port = 1645
        type = auth

This allows freeRADIUS to start, but it also listens on ports 1812 and

Last attempt was:

port = 1645
listen {
        ipaddr = *
        type = auth

Again it starts, but is now listening on ports 1645, 1646 and 1812.

Ideally I would like to only listen on the one port 1645.

Perhaps allow for 'port' on it's own to be ommitted and not default to
1812 or the /etc/services deffinition of RADIUS? and just use the
settings in listen if they are specified?


Graeme Hinchliffe (BSc)
Core Internet Systems Designer
Zen Internet (http://www.zen.co.uk/)

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