I used to work at a rather large wholesale dialup aggregator, and had this exact problem with many of our customers' (misconfigured) RADIUS servers. We ran Cisco Access Registrar which gave us the ability to easily send accounting packets out once and only once, dropping the packet *even if* it wasn't acknowledged by the customers' RADIUS server.

I realize this isn't going to directly let you solve the problem (you have no control over GlobalPOPS), but it should give you some insight as to what is happening.

Bill wrote:

    Ok, thanks. This is the kind of information I will I was hoping for.

      Bill Dunn

----- Original Message ----- From: Alan DeKok
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: Proxy with GlobalPOP

"VCI Help Desk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If it matters I do get the start and stop packet in the first


described below. I just get many of them that have different start and


times with a higher delay time so my radius logs show several start or


packets for a single login.

  That is a symptom of Accounting-Responses being lost, or ignored.

  The shared secret is wrong, or the network between you and them is
discarding packets.

  There are no other possibilities.

  Alan DeKok.

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