
I am using FreeRADIUS-1.0.0pre3 with the MySQL backend.  I have the threaded
server enabled, and I'm currently using 128 max threads with a database
connection pool of 64, although I have changed these numbers quite a bit in
my testing.  Having read TFM, I realize these are a bit high, but the issue
about which I now write occurs regardless of how I set the numbers.

I'm having a small problem, which may have been fixed by now, but I thought
I'd report it, as a matter of OSS civic responsibility. The problem is this:
When FreeRADIUS becomes very busy and receives a SIGHUP, it sometimes dies.
It doesn't die every time, but the likelihood increases greatly when the
server is very busy.

In my testing, I created a small Perl script to throw a number of auth and
accounting requests at the server:  I fork off N children, each of which
tries to do auth and accounting as fast as it can and as many times as it
can, using logins from a shuffled list of legitimate users and passwords. I
found that when I increased the children to 256, I could get FreeRADIUS to
die on about every third or fourth SIGHUP.  I ran my test 5 times, and each
time resulted in a dead FreeRADIUS process after no more than 6 SIGHUPs,
each sent at least one minute after the last, to give the process time to
recover and restart.

This is not a mere theoretical problem for me, as the problem of FreeRADIUS
death occurs in a production environment.  I have routed around the issue by
fully stopping and restarting
FreeRADIUS when the logs are rolled.  This is less than optimal.

I don't mean to complain about this, but I thought it would be worthwhile if
I reported the issue.  I would love to hear the thoughts of anyone who has
had a similar issue, or knows whether this has been fixed.

Thank you,

Brent Hetherwick

PS:  I sent this message to the list earlier, but it looked like it didn't
get through, so I'm sending it again after testing with the latest
FreeRADIUS.  My apologies to anyone who gets the message twice.

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