On Sun, 4 Jul 2004 00:10:36 +0200
Daniel Eyholzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to let freeradius 1.0.0-pre3 log to syslog, but it does
> not seems to work. I have tried both, setting the log_destination to
> syslog and starting radiusd with the -l syslog option, but nothing
> gets logged by syslog. I have read that this feature is known to not
> been working, is that still true for 1.0.0-pre3? Or has anyone
> managed to get freeradius log to syslog?

Setting the logdir variable in radiusd.conf to syslog does work, but I
don't think that's the correct way to do it. With this setting it does
no longer write the debuging output to stdout if I use the -X option,
the debuging output is then written to syslog.

The log_destination variable and log { ... } section in radiusd.conf
seems to be ignored, I have to set the syslog facility with the -g
option when I start radiusd.

Any comments?


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