Hi Gary,
Does disabling the linksys wireless manager solve the problem? If so, sounds like the problem is with the supplicant side? Any experience with other supplicant?
I am not using the linksys card, what I have is a cisco 350 wireless card in a IBM T30 notebook.
- Yi
Gary McKinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
HI Yi,
I have basically the same setup here at home and ran into the same issues!
If you are running the Linksys PCMCIA wireless network card you need to disable the wireless manager software - the Odyssey Supplicant software and the Linksys wireless manager software do not play nice together!
----- Original Message -----
From: Yi Zheng
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 8:56 PM
Subject: Reauthentication interval for WPA w/ EAP-TTLS

I downloaded the "third" pre-release of version 1.0.0 and was able to make a windows 2k
client running Funk client software to work  with a linksys wrt54g AP using
WPA with EAP/TTLS authentication against the FreeRadius server. The windows 2k
client gets its DHCP address and the connection seems to work fine. However the
funk software repeated the reauthentication against the Radius server continuously
every 3 to 4 seconds. It greatly impact the performance of the AP and makes the
connection very unstable.
I read about the Session-Timeout mentioned in some email threads in the archieve but did not figure out where to make changes to that. It seems to be that it is the funk client (supplicant) who initiates the reauthticaton. Can someone help me on this? Thanks,
- Yi 

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