Hi all,

This is a rather detailed question, since it relates to the source code of freeRADIUS, 
but I'm trolling to see if anyone has come across this or what a freeRADIUS expert 
might suggest as a solution.

Configurable failover in working for me in the authorize section.  Also, I've built an 
authenticate section in rlm_files so that now configurable failover is working in the 
authenticate section (for MS-CHAP in my case).  In both cases I'm proxying to another 
realm as the failover.

Now my problem: Somewhere between authorize and MS-CHAP authenticate, I need to 
configure failover if an account is expired, since account expiration doesn't seem to 
be part of the authorize section.

Code details:
In src/main/auth.c:rad_authenticate, it loops over the registered and configured 
modules with an authorize section, then it checks to see if it needs to proxy, then it 
performs the authentication.  Authentication starts by checking the account expiration 
followed by checking the password, and so on.  Checking the password 
(rad_check_password) includes calling the appropriate module_authenticate.  So 
checking account expiration is stuck in a "no mans land" between authorization and 
authentication.  Is there a way for me to include expiration as a rejection of 
authentication in configurable failover or do I need to hack the source code ?

Around line 550 of src/main/auth.c in rad_authenticate:
         *      Validate the user
        do {
                if ((result = check_expiration(request)) < 0)

Around line 710 of src/main/auth.c in rad_authenticate:
         *      Result should be >= 0 here - if not, we return.
        if (result < 0) {
                return RLM_MODULE_OK;

Note: check_expiration returns -1 if the account has expired.

Thanks in advance,

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