On Mon, 26 Jul 2004, Gary McKinney wrote:

> Kostas,
> One thing I have noticed in going through the "preceived user intuitiveness"
> ( is that a word?) of the dialup_admin program is the links contained in the
> different pages displayed tend to "blend into the background" and unless a
> person using the program either moves the mouse over the link(s) or is aware
> of the links on the page the user will miss them completely...
> Case in point:
> The User Statistics page displays the usernames in the second column of the
> user statistics table.  Since the link=black and alink=black in the body tag
> the links are not apparent (blend into the background of normal text) to the
> user of the dialup_admin program.
> Would it not be better to have the link, alink and vlink definitions in the
> style.css file so they could be set as by the user of the program to
> differentiate the links from normal text?  This change (and I see the link,
> vlink definitions are contained within the different php files in the body
> tag) would help to differentiate the links on the pages from the normal text
> display (more intuitive that the link(s) exist)...

That's a nice idea. It will go in CVS. Since i 've already done a lot of
security changes to the php files, they 'll all go in at the same. Thanks for
the suggestion, if you can find any other place where style sheets can help i
'll be glad to hear it.

> Just a suggestion...
> gm...
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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