Ok, i found it out with backup freeradius, it really should be done on the NAS side.
So the next question is about backup postgresql database. I've added these strings to radiusd.conf:

modules {
sql sql1 {
sql sql2 {
always handled {
rcode = handled
accounting {
redundant {
sql1 sql2 handled }

Is that all i have to add to teach freeradius to look after mysecondserver.example in case of firs one's fail?


Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:

On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 09:36, Edgars wrote:

Hello list!

how do i proceed with subj? I want to send the request to backup radius server in case the main one is down (or the username coul not be found on it). Should i use proxy.conf to accomplish this?

Thank you in advance!

I think you are more looking at the configuration of your NAS than RADIUS server.

We operate 2 pairs of RADIUS servers here. If one server is unavailible
then then NAS tries the other server itself.

I think on Cisco kit you simply add an extra RADIUS server entry. (Depending on your config and auth groups etc)

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