pstack on radiusd (0.93) FreeBSD 4.6 shows what appears to be all threads idle except for this one:

----------------- thread 4 -----------------
0x2820dcd8 _thread_kern_sched (0, 74756f, 73736553, 2820e652, 28254da4, 28252e24) + 4c
0x2820e6ab _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock (3, 8163f9c, 2824d100, fd, 28254da4, 80c1d54) + 67
0x28212d8c pthread_cond_wait (817a128, 817a124, bfac8b3c, 281d0b20, 3bfc, eff) + 180
0x281d0b6d sem_wait (80c1d54, bfac8bb0, bfac8b6c, 805ca79, bfac8bb0, aeff) + 69
0x805cb03 rad_waitpid (aeff, bfac8bac, 0, 0, bfacb414, bfacbe3c) + 9b
0x8056f89 radius_exec_program (817a0e0, 8173a00, 1, bfacbe3c, ff, 816a400) + 66d
0x8057f53 rad_authenticate (8173a00, 816a400, 8173a1c, 281d0b90, 8163cd0, 8163cc0) + 89f
0x8052c04 rad_respond (8173a00, 80576b4, 0, 0, 28254da4, bfabc000) + 198
0x805c21c _init (8163cc0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + bb88
0x281d24a3 _thread_start () + 37

That thread has said the same thing for over an hour. It appears to be waiting for an Exec-Program-Wait module with pid of aeff to return. That pid is in the range where current processes were about an hour ago so it seems to match. However, that process is long gone. Somehow the signal was not caught. Am I interpreting this correctly? Every couple days radiusd just quits or hangs using all the processor. When it hangs there are hundreds of threads. I haven't check them carefully yet since this is a production system and having radiusd down causes all kinds of complaints. I suspect that somehow this problem is growing slowly until eventually radiusd (or thread system) just can't handle the number of threads anymore. Anyway thats a guess until I can capture the real thread state when it hangs.

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