
Thanks for your comments Alan.

"Jerlique Ban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've now switched to using freeradius 1.0.0-pre3 on freebsd.  I am 
> trying to authenticate users via my Exec-Program call, which does a 
> whole lot of other queries and tests before granting access.  It all 
> works if a PAP request is made, but fails on a CHAP request.  Now I 
> understand that CHAP requests are encrypted. Can you compare chap 
> passwords like you would do so with let say $alreadycrypt ==
crypt($alreadycrypt, $test)??

I have taken your comments, and spent the time to get sql working. I resited
doing this in the beginning, because I didn't want to have to write a script
which maintains the radius tables with username/password attributes.

Now my problem is, that I have users who can dialup and authenticate adsl
with the same username and password.  So I've created two entires for each
applicable user.  But when a customer tries to authenticate adsl, they are
receiving 'radgroupreply' items from the wrong group ie dial.

As you can see I'm a member of both groups. 

mysql> select * from usergroup where UserName="jlb";
| id | UserName | GroupName |
| 1  | jlb      | dial      |
| 2  | jlb      | adsl      |

Now, the only thing linking the "correct" group to me is the following
table.  So for ADSL the Nas-Port-Type will match and thus the correct group
should be set, but it isn't.  The group being used is the first one from the
query above.  If I alternate the order in the usergroup table, adsl will
work, but dial will not.

| id | GroupName | Attribute     | Value | op |
| 1  | adsl      | Auth-Type     | chap  | := |
| 2  | adsl      | NAS-Port-Type | xDSL  | == |
| 3  | dial      | Auth-Type     | pap   | := |

Have I missed something here??? Shouldnt the SQL statement be restircting
the group name to the "valid" group??  Any suggestions on how this can be


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