Sorry, the poptop mailing list is completely worthless...
Ok, fedora core 1 machine
Samba PDC auth w/LDAP

Installed poptop ppptp server, installed freeradius...

Installed freeradius 1.0, configured freeradius with the following page...

I did the test on there, and it says...
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=188, length=20

right, yay, so...
poptop says to set up auth against samba or ldap, do

Use the Radius plugin in pppd (=> v2.4.2) and set up a radiusserver

Ok, so how do I do this?  freeradius is configured to auth against ldap, but

do I somehow change chap-secrets to make all accounts auth against ldap or radius 
server or something?  

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