Scott A. H. Phillips wrote:
>> "Scott A. H. Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> It appears that the default installation method (./configure; make;
>>> make install) uses mysql as a back-end database by default.  Is
>>> this true?

If the mysql client libraries are present on the system, then support for
mysql will be included at compile time.
However, freeradius is not configured to use any database by default, you
have to tell it to do so.

> Hm.  Then I'm confused.  Line 1155 of raddb/ of the
> source tree says
>          $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf

This only includes the sql module configuration, it doesn't tell freeradius
to actually use it.

> which in the comment above claims to be for MySQL (indeed, sql.conf
> references a MySQL script file at
> src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_mysql/db_mysql.sql).  Perhaps
> this is
> all besides the point; my question really boils down to:
> How and where do I specify to use MySQL at compile-time, and where
> ought I configure host / user / password / database information before
> compiling?  Perhaps a better question might be where this information
> is documented so I can stop bothering the list.

You could edit src/raddb/sql.conf before compiling, but I wouldn't recommend
doing that.

After compilation, you need to edit:
- etc/raddb/sql.conf => database configuration
- etc/radiusd.conf => tell freeradius to use the sql module


Thor Spruyt
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