On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hallo!
> My server works fine but there are some little dialupadmin-problems left on the 
> website:
> 1) The "check server" Button does not work. It shows the user (from admin.conf) but 
> no "successfull" or anything
> else). I added the server-secret, the testuser and password in admin.conf). The 
> testuser was also added to the mysql
> DBs....

Check your apache server logs. I 've had situations where the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
needs to be set or some other similar tweaks need to be made for things to work.

> 2) The "Statistics" Button brings downloads that counts much to fast: Users connect 
> for one or two minutes with
> downloads about 3000 MB!!!

Enable sql_debug to see what happens.

> 3) The "User-statistics" and "online Users" "bad users" and "failed logins" are 
> empty..... but we have lots of
> satisfied customers, connecting daily.....

Please read dialupadmin documentation.
User Statistics uses the totacct table
Online Users should work, enable sql_debug
Bad Users is another special which should normally not contain anything
Failed Logins needs the log_badlogins to be running for things to work.

> I need some hint to configer the dialupadmin correct....?!
> Thanks in advance, Flo
> --
> [site=fn&prod=chetools&kat=rub&tbl=webmail&ppos=1&TransactionID=1095181223648285&rgtg=256]
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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