
I am running FR 1.0.0 on RedHat9.  I have 2 radius servers
set up primarily for proxying but we do have some locally managed
realms.  I have 2 special cases where I need to add realm
information to our accounting data.  I had been trying this
with attr_rewrite with little success.

Case 1:  ISP ABC.COM proxies auth requests through our radius
server either by providing [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by Client-IP-Address.
I have a rather complicated regex in my users file that upon an
IP match will proxy the request to abc.com's radius server.

For end users who provide the realm, it's no big deal, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
shows up in the accounting data.

How do I add @abc.com to the accounting data for only those users who
fall into the proxy by IP case?

Case 2:  ISP XYZ.COM is only sending us accounting data from a
single radius server using radrelay.  XYZ.COM is not sending any
realm information, only username, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address

How do I add @xyz.com to the incoming accounting data as it comes
in (or before getting written to the detail file/database) ?
Or is that even the best way to do it?

Currently all of the accounting data is going to a detail file
as well as a SQL database.  We have been running sql statments
to add the realm information for abc.com and xyz.com but this
has been problematic.

At this point everything is running pretty solid.  I am proxying
nearly 100 domains so I want to make sure I do not screw up the
accounting data for the other realms.



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