On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, David wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running FR 1.0.0 on RedHat9.  I have 2 radius servers
> set up primarily for proxying but we do have some locally managed
> realms.  I have 2 special cases where I need to add realm
> information to our accounting data.  I had been trying this
> with attr_rewrite with little success.
> Case 1:  ISP ABC.COM proxies auth requests through our radius
> server either by providing [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by Client-IP-Address.
> I have a rather complicated regex in my users file that upon an
> IP match will proxy the request to abc.com's radius server.
> For end users who provide the realm, it's no big deal, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> shows up in the accounting data.
> How do I add @abc.com to the accounting data for only those users who
> fall into the proxy by IP case?
> Case 2:  ISP XYZ.COM is only sending us accounting data from a
> single radius server using radrelay.  XYZ.COM is not sending any
> realm information, only username, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address
> etc.
> How do I add @xyz.com to the incoming accounting data as it comes
> in (or before getting written to the detail file/database) ?
> Or is that even the best way to do it?

Use the Autz-Type,Acct-Type mechanism.
DEFAULT Client-IP-Address == "ISP XYZ.COM IP", Acct-Type := "XYZ.COM"

accounting {
        Acct-Type XYZ.COM {

Hope you get the idea.

> Currently all of the accounting data is going to a detail file
> as well as a SQL database.  We have been running sql statments
> to add the realm information for abc.com and xyz.com but this
> has been problematic.
> At this point everything is running pretty solid.  I am proxying
> nearly 100 domains so I want to make sure I do not screw up the
> accounting data for the other realms.
> Thanks,
> David
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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