Jon Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  From section 2 of the GPL (regarding the rights to modify the Program):
> "These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
> identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
> and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
> themselves,

  Any module used *in* FreeRADIUS cannot be considered to be
independent from FreeRADIUS.

  That is, the module is *completely* useless unless it's built as
part of FreeRADIUS.  It's not a separate application, it's not a
separate software package, it's intended to be used inside of

> So if his module contains no source code from FreeRadius, he can do 
> what he likes with it if he doesn't distribute his module with 
> FreeRadius.

  Certainly.  But if he's not distributing FreeRADIUS, then the
license terms of FreeRADIUS don't apply.

  If he is distributing FreeRADIUS, then either:

  a) he doesn't include his module, in which case there's no problem.


  b) he does include his module, in which case the license terms apply.

> How does your reading of the license differ?

  IF he's distributing FreeRADIUS as part of a VOIP application suite,
AND he includes his module, THEN his module MUST be distributed under
the terms of the FreeRADIUS license.

  IF he's not distributing FeeeRADIUS, THEN he can distribute any
software he wants under any license he wants.

  Alan DEKok.

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