Daniel Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What should default Auth-type be set to then?  Right now I am getting a:
> auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
> request: Rejecting the user
> error message from the daemon.

  Then you've edited the default "radiusd.conf" so that the server can
no longer figure it out.

  The default "radiusd.conf" is designed specifically so that the
server can figure out most situations, and so that you have to change
as little as possible to get it to work.

  You said the clients were doing EAP, and that you were using an LDAP
database to store user information.  Use the default "radiusd.conf",
and make as few changes as possible to it.  Uncomment "ldap" from a
few places, and configure the "ldap" module.  If you have clear-text
passwords in LDAP, it WILL work.

  The only way you get the above error message when the client is
using EAP is if you deleted "eap" from the "authorize" section.

  Alan DeKok.

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