hello together, I'm still fighting with my known problem - i don't get MPP workind. i'm using freeradius, mysql and dialup-admin to administrate the radius-server.
i have the following settings for my group 'mpp' assigned by the freeradius to the NAS (Ascend Max 2000). phoenix:~# radtest werner werner radius.mymachine.de 1812 test Sending Access-Request of id 70 to a.b.c.d:1812 User-Name = "werner" User-Password = "werner" NAS-IP-Address = phoenix NAS-Port = 1812 rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host a.b.c.d:1812, id=70, length=92 Framed-Protocol = MP Framed-MTU = 1500 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP Ascend-Maximum-Channels = 2 Service-Type = Framed-User Ascend-Idle-Limit = 0 Idle-Timeout = 0 Port-Limit = 2 the user isn't able to pick up a second channel. i've also tried to set Framed-Protocol to MPP, PPP (and simultaneos-use to 1 and 2) and MP - same result. furthermore i used X-Ascend-Maximum-Channels and X-Ascend-Idle-Timeout but it seems like the max doesn't like that either. i don't get further here, so i hope you do have any ideas? maybe you know this issue? thanks for your help, werner detter - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html