Andreas Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wanted to use ports 1812 and 1813. If I set port=0 in radiusd.conf, radacct
> wants to connect to 1646 although I edited /etc/services to use 1813 for
> radius-acct.

  I suggest finding out why that's happening.  It does NOT happen in a
normal configuration, so something's wrong with your system.

>  Same when I set port=1812, radacct wants to connect to 1646.

  FreeRADIUS just doesn't work that way.  If you set "port = 1812",
then it listens for authentication on port 1812, and accounting on
port 1813.

  Unless.. did you set "port = 1812" AND leave the "listen" directive
in there?  That might explain why the server is listening on 1646: you
told it to listen on that port.

  Please ensure that you haven't configured the server to listen on
port 1646.  You say you don't want to have it listen on 1646, so make
SURE it's not listening on 1646.

  Alan DeKok.

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