Alan DeKok wrote:
Jev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still getting the warnings, I have reinstalled freeradius with dictionaries.. When starting 'radiusd -X' I get the line
radius_xlat: '/usr/local/bin/rs"
/usr/local/bin/rs does not get executed at all. This has me stumped, any help is greatly appreciated..

  I'm not sure what else to suggest.  If radius_xlat is being called
to get the program name, then the server knows you're trying to use
Exec-Program, or Exec-Program-Wait.

The warning:
[/usr/local/etc/raddb/acct_users]:23 WARNING! Check item "Exec-Program" ?found in reply item list for user "DEFAULT". ?This attribute MUST go on the first line with the other check items

Would this normally directly attributable to dictionary files? What else may cause this?

Is there anyway I can debug this on a lower level? I guess it's possible that the above warning is benign, and the reason for the script not getting called is due to something else??

If my radius account stop packet had no realm specified in it, could this stop the Exec-Program from working?

Thank you for your time,

Alan DeKok.

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