Add this to the top of your DEFAULT entries in the users file.

DEFAULT Huntrgroup-Name == "dial", Ldap-Group == "nodial", Auth-Type :=

Define what the group attribute is in your radiusd.conf file.

ie: groupname_attribute = radiusgroupname

Define the dial NASes in your huntgroups file


dial    NAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.x
dial    NAS-IP-Address == y.y.y.y

It might be easier to define what services people have access to, rather
than what they don't.  In that case check out doc/ldap_howto.txt.

-Dusty Doris

On Fri, 26 Nov 2004, Daniel wrote:

> Hi
> How would I deny access to a NAS for a group of users.
> I am using LDAP user and groups and mysql for accounting with
> freeradius. I have some users that are part of "nodialup" group. I want
> to deny them access to a few of our access servers but allow access to
> the other access server on the network.
> I want to deny them access to our dialup access servers, but allow them
> access to our ADSL access servers.
> I have a group "nodialup" if a user is a member of this group how do I
> deny them access?
> I don't want to add the other users to groups. I just want to
> specifically deny these users who are a member of this group access to
> the dialup. Is this possible with huntgroups? Can't seem to get my head
> around how to do this. Probably starring me in the face or am I going about 
> this wrong.
> Thanks for any help.
> Regards
> Daniel
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