
I'm wondering if it's possible for FreeRADIUS to support MySQL such that the sql driver can read radcheck/radreply stuff from one server but write accounting data to a different server.

We have radius 2 servers. Let's call them primary and secondary, respectively. Each is running a local instance of MySQL. We also have a stand alone MySQL server, call it a provisioner/biller. The idea is to keep things as fault tolerant as possible, such that if the biller goes down, users can still authenticate. The solution to this seems simple enough: Have the two radius servers slave off the biller and have the two radius servers use their local instances of mysql for queries. That's fine for authentication, but what about accounting? The idea is the same, except each radius servers would push the accounting data back to the biller. This is where the conceptual problems start to appear. MySQL doesn't support two-way replication and to my knowledge, it doesn't support the concept of one server being master for one database, or a group of tables for one database and at the same time act as a slave for another database or a group of tables for another database. This is where the idea of having FreeRADIUS support multiple database servers comes in but I don't know if it's supported or if I'm way off in left field and the solution is actually much simpler.

Any insight?

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